Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The power of release.

Emotional breakthroughs that happen while practicing yoga are amazing. I remember the first one I had. I was laying on the floor listening to the teacher and finding a deep connection to what she was saying. The tears began to fill in my eyes and they just wouldn't stop. It was actually quite refreshing and after the crying finally ended I felt a little bit more free. This is quite an amazing feeling to have. It is one of the reason I became so interested in the practice of yoga.

I believe that the body holds on to the past in certain parts of the body. Each person has there stress holder, like when your shoulders are tight, or your back hurts, sometimes it is even in the stomach. By practicing yoga the poses reach those "knots" and wring them out. The breath opens up the areas and the body position of the pose reaches deep inside to massage it. Each area of the body is represent by a chakra and the chakras are connected by channels. One basic example of the body connection to the mind is though two of the Nadi's in the body (the channels in the body) Ida and Pingala. These channels criss cross though each Chakra from the base of the spine to the third eye. This connects each chakra to the next and keeps the energy flowing upward. It is important to find the tight spots for the emotional break though, but to also take care of all other areas to keep your mind and body at an even place.

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