Friday, October 14, 2011

Looking for Love and Growing Up

The residency began October 3rd with the instillation of my 2 1/2 year olds paintings. Most artists I know want to get to a place in there work that is free of personal judgement so the creativity can flow freely. I see that in my daughters paintings. That is why in incorporated her into the residency. It also helped me to find what the residency and performance is about.

I have a list of songs that bring up memories and stir up emotions with in me. I have taken some of these songs and made a soundtrack to my life that begins when I began dancing as a teenager. It goes though love and relationships into independence and freedom. In the end I find true love. I will be dancing surrounded by my daughters paintings. October 22 at 8pm at Everbrite Mercantile Co.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Community Class at Prema

I am teaching Community Class at Prema Yoga in Carroll Gardens on July 8th and 15th at 6:45. My 7:30-8:30 Wednesday class, last class July 20th at Everbrite Mercantile Co.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Call for dancers!

ImmeDance is looking for dancers for an outdoor public performance as part of an Artist Residency for the month of October in Brooklyn at Everbrite Mercantile co. Premeditated dance in public places. Dancers must be intermediate to advanced, comfortable with improvisation, reliable and willing to commit for rehearsals in September and three performances in the month of October. Locations and rehearsals depend on the number of participating dancers. It will be a fun adventure please join us!!

Check out our website:

If you are interested in participation please contact Felecia at

Monday, May 16, 2011

ImmeYoga class in Red Hook

Give, Give more, and some more Please

I have spent the last week attending to a sick two year old, who now thinks that since she got what she wanted when she was sick she gets to whine and cry every time I say no. My 8 month old is sick and with a sore throat but her fever isn't as high, thank god, and she is in much better spirits. However, She didn't eat anything but yogurt today.

I must break the two year old from all the whining. It really stresses me out. I think I am getting sick from all of it. I told her today all of the crying for no reason and whining with every question really hurts my heart and makes me feel bad. Not sure if it worked, when things make me feel bad she usually understands. I have to say all the whining is making me want to say no to everything!!

Tomorrow is a new day!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Music Show

Kenny and I finally had a night out together. Members of the former band Pela have entered a new chapter in music. We Are Augustines is an amazing experience full of music and emotion. Billy, the vocalist, has such emotion behind what he is singing, it's as though he is reliving each moment in his life and spilling his guts to you as the music plays. High energy rock! It's definitely music that needs to be heard by everyone.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pie, Pie, Pie

It all started one night when we were watching the Food Channel. The show that was on was profiling restaurants. It just so happened to be one in Brooklyn with in walking distance from our house. Toward the end of the segment, 20 or so minutes later, my husband looks up and says "I know that girl" and of course I then realized why I kept thinking she looked so familiar. One of the waitresses who worked in my husbands short lived restaurant has opened her own establishment, in which they make pies. It is called 4 and 20 Blackbirds. The obsession was on, I kept thinking when are we going to go. They are closed on Mondays so we finally had a family day together in the middle of the week and so we went on a nice walk to eat so pie! The pie is so amazing. My husband, Daughter, and myself all shared 3 pieces. I say shared, but my Princess pretty much ate the entire piece of apple pie on her own and then wanted to eat my Chocolate/ pecan piece. We also had a type of custard pie that was also amazing. It would be helpful if I had remembered the names of each pie and took pics of the slices, but all I got were these pics of my princess enjoying her apple pie.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Naps, time, and things to do.

How amazing is it that I got my girls to take a nap together two days in a row! Yesterday I cleaned and today I did some yoga. So amazing! I need to find a coat for Clarice. She is growing out of it and it is currently what she needs to sleep. Her winter coat has become her security blanket. I call it a big hug. The one thing that I need to do, other than get in shape for some dancing is sew, sew, sew! I owe a woman some pants and also have some amazing fabric that I need to create some creative clothing with. Let's keep the naps going ladies.

I am still teaching every Wednesday 7:30-8:30pm at Everbrite Mercantile co. in Red Hook. I will be dancing at a Lec.Dem in Jersey at the Liberty Science Center in the beginning of April. I will also be performing at an art instillation at everbrite April 16th.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February where are you going?

It's the first day of February and it already feels like it's over. So many things going on and still so much house work to do/finish. Which I should be doing right now....

Teaching at a retreat, baby is getting christened, mom is coming three times from PA, and my other little princess is turning 2 at the beginning of March.

Oh my, look at that cupcake face!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Teaching at a Retreat.

It's the first weekend retreat for me as a teacher. I am so very excited to be involved in such a fun experience. Retreats are always good for the development of a good personal practice. It's like jumping into the water, just do it, wrap your body around it. Yoga, Pilates, good food, fun people, and some quiet out in the Hamptons. February 11-13 here I come!!! and I am bringing my mom, too. If you are free the weekend before Valentines day contact me and I will send you the registration information.