Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Imme Continues
It's time...
I am taking the step to begin to choreograph again. I keep saying these things, but it just needs to happen. The creative impulse is bursting inside of me. Any and every song I hear becomes movement in my head. It is time to release it.
Be free!
I am taking the step to begin to choreograph again. I keep saying these things, but it just needs to happen. The creative impulse is bursting inside of me. Any and every song I hear becomes movement in my head. It is time to release it.
Be free!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The power of release.
Emotional breakthroughs that happen while practicing yoga are amazing. I remember the first one I had. I was laying on the floor listening to the teacher and finding a deep connection to what she was saying. The tears began to fill in my eyes and they just wouldn't stop. It was actually quite refreshing and after the crying finally ended I felt a little bit more free. This is quite an amazing feeling to have. It is one of the reason I became so interested in the practice of yoga.
I believe that the body holds on to the past in certain parts of the body. Each person has there stress holder, like when your shoulders are tight, or your back hurts, sometimes it is even in the stomach. By practicing yoga the poses reach those "knots" and wring them out. The breath opens up the areas and the body position of the pose reaches deep inside to massage it. Each area of the body is represent by a chakra and the chakras are connected by channels. One basic example of the body connection to the mind is though two of the Nadi's in the body (the channels in the body) Ida and Pingala. These channels criss cross though each Chakra from the base of the spine to the third eye. This connects each chakra to the next and keeps the energy flowing upward. It is important to find the tight spots for the emotional break though, but to also take care of all other areas to keep your mind and body at an even place.
I believe that the body holds on to the past in certain parts of the body. Each person has there stress holder, like when your shoulders are tight, or your back hurts, sometimes it is even in the stomach. By practicing yoga the poses reach those "knots" and wring them out. The breath opens up the areas and the body position of the pose reaches deep inside to massage it. Each area of the body is represent by a chakra and the chakras are connected by channels. One basic example of the body connection to the mind is though two of the Nadi's in the body (the channels in the body) Ida and Pingala. These channels criss cross though each Chakra from the base of the spine to the third eye. This connects each chakra to the next and keeps the energy flowing upward. It is important to find the tight spots for the emotional break though, but to also take care of all other areas to keep your mind and body at an even place.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
ImmeYoga New Class
I am holding a yoga class every Monday in the month of October from 5-6. Starting on the 5th continuing on the 12th, 19th, and 26th. Class will be held at the Union street Dance Studio in Park Slope. 725 Union Street, Studio B. (between 4th and 5th avenues closer to 5th behind Brooklyn Industries) The class will be done by donation, so if you are short on cash and can't make your regular class, please come. If you need a quick pick me up in the afternoon class will stimulate blood flow and a steady breath. Please bring your own mat, if you do not have one and want to attend I have some extra so please email me.
Mark the dates on your calendar! If you forget the dates check out my website for more info.
Can't wait to see you
Mark the dates on your calendar! If you forget the dates check out my website for more info.
Can't wait to see you
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Party Girl!

She dance all night long.
We had a beautiful christening ceremony on Sunday. My family was here from Montana and Pittsburgh. It was so beautiful to watch her listen to the priest speak.
Of course, the water was cold and she cried when it was poured over her head. The oil anointing bothered her too, but it smelled nice. She also tried to eat the Father Anthony's fingers.
It is has been interesting to me how I have allowed religion back into my life. Previously it made me uncomfortable and refused to participate in religion for most of my life. Since I began practicing yoga and studying the spirituality of god. It has made it easier to understand and think about that relationship. What/Who is god to me? What/Who is god to you?
Sunday, September 13, 2009
For the Fall
My website has been updated. I am so excited! There are so many things I want to work on this fall. Currently, I am working on getting an ImmeYoga class together, by donation, in Brooklyn. I am really excited to be able to give a great yoga class to people. I will continue to substitute classes at DNA when I am asked to teach. All of this will be posted on my calender .

Some things I need to work on:
I need to figure out a space where I can sew my clothes. Space is limited around my apartment so that is a challenge. For now check out what I have for sale currently.
I am going to continue the choreography of solos I have been putting together and produce a show in the next year. More to come...
I need to figure out a space where I can sew my clothes. Space is limited around my apartment so that is a challenge. For now check out what I have for sale currently.
I am going to continue the choreography of solos I have been putting together and produce a show in the next year. More to come...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I fell into mommyhood, trying to find my way around.

The most amazing thing has come into my life. I spend 24 house a day with a little human that is experiencing everything for the first time. I give her everything she needs. We have approached the joys of sitting and playing with toys and the introduction of fruits and veggies. How did we get there so fast? Sometimes it feels like we left the hospital only two weeks ago. Low and behold it has been 6 months! Everyone said time will fly by and it sure has. Her personality is growing stronger and her laughter makes me stronger.
The hard part is not to get so wrapped up in mommyhood and baby life that I forget my personal goals in life. While I was pregnant I became certified to teach yoga and not only have I not been teaching my practice is few are far between. I also need to find my way back into dance. I need to figure out a new time management system, one that includes myself. I am very supported my my husband and family, but I struggle with asking for help. I am a "do it myself" kind of gal. If I want to follow though with my goals, that doesn't fly anymore. Things must change and evolve. This must be the mother struggle that most mothers go though.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
8lbs 1oz and 19 3/4 inches of full on LOVE!

I am so in love all over again. Gianna Rose was born 3/5/09. She was born naturally with no drugs with love and support from loving dad and husband though the whole labor. It only lasted 6 hours and she is now over 2 weeks old and has grown to 9lbs 6oz. She is growing so fast and everyday is a new experience. She is so calm and collected for a baby. She spends most of her day looking content and beautiful sleeping and then eating. She is a bit of a night owl like her daddy.
My recovery has been fast and quite amazing. I actually lost the baby weight within the first few days, however, my belly is still a bit soft and flabby. I amazingly fit into my clothes again. I have to thank yoga and dance for assistance in this amazing recovery time.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Nine Months

8+ months have passed and I am living in my ninth month of pregnancy. My little lady inside has given me a few false starts which makes me want her even more. The doctors prediction after my last early morning of contractions turned out to be wrong. She thought I was going to have her by Thursday, that was yesterday. It's all up to baby girl, and when she is ready she will come. However, she keeps growing and is running out of room which means her feet are occasionally stuck under my ribs, ouch. It is also harder and harder to move forward. I can't wait to hold her. I have two weeks left!!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
34 weeks, and it could be any day.

We had a crazy day last Monday Jan. 26th. My baby was a comin'! She woke me up in the middle of the night knocking on the door trying to get out. I was feeling cramps all though my back and legs which were actually contractions. After about an hour of trying to figure out what was really happening we called the doctor. He told us to go to the hospital and get checked out. The nurse hooked me up to the monitor right away. She confirmed that I was having contractions and they were 6 min. apart! I began to worry a little bit more because then they told me I was 2cm dilated. I was hooked up to an IV to make sure that dehydration wasn't the cause, which it wasn't. After a few hours of the contractions not completely stopping the doctor decided to give me a shot to stop them. This shot made my heart run a million miles a minute. It felt like I had just taken a handful of diet pills. They said they could give me 3 shots in an hour if the contractions didn't stop. 20 minutes after the first one the nurse came in a saw that they had slowed down and became smaller but not stopped, so she gave me another. If I wasn't already a calm person this could have made me have a panic attack. I felt my heart wanting to jump out of my chest and my body began to shake. I was cold, my lower back was hurting really bad, and that second shot didn't feel good in my body at all. Thankfully, the contractions stopped and I didn't get the third one. After about another half an hour they let me go home in which I spent the whole day sleeping. I wasn't told to stay on bed rest, but to just take it very easy. I am still working, but not much of anything else. The couch and bed have become my best friends. In realizing that the couch and bed and wonderful things it is still very important to go on walks and see the outside. Yesterday was beautiful and I missed it. Baby Girl is doing fine and is still running, dancing, and playing all day in my belly.
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