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8+ months have passed and I am living in my ninth month of pregnancy. My little lady inside has given me a few false starts which makes me want her even more. The doctors prediction after my last early morning of contractions turned out to be wrong. She thought I was going to have her by Thursday, that was yesterday. It's all up to baby girl, and when she is ready she will come. However, she keeps growing and is running out of room which means her feet are occasionally stuck under my ribs, ouch. It is also harder and harder to move forward. I can't wait to hold her. I have two weeks left!!

We had a crazy day last Monday Jan. 26th. My baby was a comin'! She woke me up in the middle of the night knocking on the door trying to get out. I was feeling cramps all though my back and legs which were actually contractions. After about an hour of trying to figure out what was really happening we called the doctor. He told us to go to the hospital and get checked out. The nurse hooked me up to the monitor right away. She confirmed that I was having contractions and they were 6 min. apart! I began to worry a little bit more because then they told me I was 2cm dilated. I was hooked up to an IV to make sure that dehydration wasn't the cause, which it wasn't. After a few hours of the contractions not completely stopping the doctor decided to give me a shot to stop them. This shot made my heart run a million miles a minute. It felt like I had just taken a handful of diet pills. They said they could give me 3 shots in an hour if the contractions didn't stop. 20 minutes after the first one the nurse came in a saw that they had slowed down and became smaller but not stopped, so she gave me another. If I wasn't already a calm person this could have made me have a panic attack. I felt my heart wanting to jump out of my chest and my body began to shake. I was cold, my lower back was hurting really bad, and that second shot didn't feel good in my body at all. Thankfully, the contractions stopped and I didn't get the third one. After about another half an hour they let me go home in which I spent the whole day sleeping. I wasn't told to stay on bed rest, but to just take it very easy. I am still working, but not much of anything else. The couch and bed have become my best friends. In realizing that the couch and bed and wonderful things it is still very important to go on walks and see the outside. Yesterday was beautiful and I missed it. Baby Girl is doing fine and is still running, dancing, and playing all day in my belly.