This has been an amazing summer for me. As many times as I wanted to work on ImmeIndustries, it was put on hold. I got married to my wonderful husband on July 30th and am going to have a baby in March. I have cut back on my work hours which means I am able to do more with ImmeInsustries. I am going to have a new photo shoot soon and hopefully find some stores in Brooklyn what will consign my stuff. Marriage and mother hood aren't my only new adventures I am going to be going to school starting Sept. 5 to get my yoga certification to teach. Hopefully, this will all tie into ImmeIndustries and help me create an even better line of clothes for the active lifestyle.
My dance company, FeleciaMariaProject, is still rehearsing and hopefully in a year and a half I will be producing a show in collaboration with ImmeIndustries to have a dance fashion show.