The shows theme was "Stuck in a dating rut." I had not been on a date in a long time so why not email the show and see what happens. They called me the next day with questions about my dating habits. It was sad to day my habits are non existent, but I mentioned that I do love those "bad boys." They took that statement and ran. However, there definition of bad boy was slightly different than mine. They think bad boys are the type of boys who like to be mean to the ladies and that just ain't my cup o' tea! I like the bad boys who ride skateboards, snowboards and what ever extreme sport you can think of. When I realized that our definitions were slightly different I tried to correct it by saying "I want a guy who will jump out of a plane and then tell me I'm beautiful." They decided to stick with their definition. Then they asked who my opposite attraction was. To be honest it's the socially awkward nerd, you all know who they are. The Trekkie's, card players, those boys who say things beyond my understanding and have the strangest body language I have ever seen. I don't think they are bad, as the little
blondie on the show tried to put in my mouth. I am just not attracted to them. So as a guest on the show I was set up on a date with 5 guys who were found a the hippest gaming store in Manhattan. Is that possible? Not knowing who I was going on a date with. I took the opportunity to make a special top just for the occasion so I could at least be wearing something from
ImmeIndustries on international TV. I looked sexy in my new to

JLo pants, and sparkly star shoes. I get to place to meet my date and there were 2 tables of guys playing cards. I sat and talked for ten minutes each with two Marks, a Tim, Sean, and Aaron. I was trying to have a conversation and ask questions but really?? Talk about not eye contact and sad faces. They fell very flat. Aaron was the only one who could hold an actual conversation that went both ways. Come on
Tyra, maybe I do need to branch out but seriously!!!
The crew was great and it turns out I thought a couple of them were actually attractive. Too bad they weren't my date. I should have said all crew guys and back stage hands were so unattractive and gross.
After the crazy date that went no where, the show was taped two days later and it was quite the process. Before we went on stage They piled on the make up and fluffed the hair while they were back stage trying to get these crazy stories out of all three of the ladies who were set up on dates for the show. I had told them before I didn't have a bad boy story that will fit your definition. So I manipulated a story of incomplete information so it sound worse than it was. Finally they liked it and I had to say it on TV. Not my idea of kind of exposure I anticipated but I did it. Thank god it didn't even make the final cut.
Tyra was beautiful, but crazy in her ways. I didn't even meet her. She just appeared from under the stage and started asking questions. We were
supposed to act like she was our best friend.
Hmmmm, Who would of though I should have been getting my acting skills tuned up. The taping was fast and I felt like I was
tongue twisted and confused. We were done by 1pm and I went off to work. I was very happy with the results that aired March 3rd. Keep your eyes out for those pesky re runs.